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Male 115km and Female 90km (Under 23, Elite and Open category cyclists). This will prove to be a classic ride from Bobonong past Thune Dam to Mathathane return, some challenging hill climbing with amazing scenery.
Male 90km and Female 90km(Under 23, Elite and Open category cyclists), 90km Corporate Challenge, 90km Junior & Open, 60km Youth and 30km Hamba. Another classic day of riding from Bobonong to Tsetsebje return, a beautiful undulating ride with the splendor of Baobabs.
The Dimension Data Route 73 Mountain Bike Challenge is brought to you by Cycle4Life. The mountain bike race touted as being the toughest in Botswana. This gpx file is for the 50km route. We trust you enjoy the ride.
The Dimension Data Route 73 Mountain Bike Challenge is brought to you by Cycle4Life. The mountain bike race touted as being the toughest in Botswana. This gpx file is for the 73km route. We trust you enjoy this tough ride!!.
Verec Fox Ranches MTB Kgale Challenge 2020 - 45km
The Verec Fox Ranches MTB Kgale Challenge 2020 45km route. A fun, scenic and what can be fast route starting and finishing at the Gaborone Rugby Club. The route is a mixture of jeep and single track but predominantly single track with some technical rock sections that are a lot of fun. There is also some typical “Botswana sandy sections” but they are very “rideable”. Enjoy the route and have an awesome ride.